Friday, August 29, 2014

What to Avoid After a Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Surgery

There are plenty of things to be concerned with as the end of summer comes to a close. You may be wondering about which top to match with your mood or what your face will look like on the first day back to school or work, but there is also another thing to worry about after rhinoplasty surgery – a healthy post-operative recovery plan. Taking care of your nose after rhinoplasty is definitely a critical task for every patient, but not everyone understands the high rate of mistakes they can make that can affect their results. While some habits and activities may continue be allowed, we will review some of the things to avoid during your rhinoplasty recovery.
Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills is a commonly requested cosmetic procedure that reshapes the most significant features in a patient’s nose to attain facial harmony and balance. For most of our cases we perform the surgery by making a small incision inside the nose to restructure and strengthen the cartilage framework. Alterations can include eliminating bumps and irregularities on the bridge, narrowing a wide bridge, reducing the size of the tip and changing the size or position of the nostrils. As you can see this is a very complex procedure that may require a brief or lengthy resting period. Because of this procedure, it is recommended to avoid a number of physical activities, unless instructed otherwise from your facial plastic surgeon.

Top Four Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty

When a patient decides that rhinoplasty is the best solution to achieve their aesthetic needs it is important to follow a plastic surgeon’s instructions to ensure that their new nose recovers without compromising the nasal tissues. As the nasal bones take a minimum of six weeks to heal, it is important to avoid vigorous activities and take extra precaution after nose surgery.

Activities to Avoid After Rhinoplasty:

  • Strenuous Exercise – Exercising too soon can impair the body’s ability to heal and impact the way the nose settles. Lifting heavy objects or going to the gym should be avoided for at least two weeks.
  • Sniffing or Blowing the Nose – Blowing or sniffing can cause the nose to bleed and hinder the recovery process after rhinoplasty. It is important to try to breathe through the mouth during your recovery period. Sneezing with your mouth open will relieve pressure to your nose compared to keeping your mouth closed.
  • Direct Sunlight – While this is not a rigorous activity for anyone, being out in the ultraviolet light may cause permanent skin pigmentation as the nasal tissues are vulnerable to sun damage.
  • Smoking and Drinking – As it is recommended after any cosmetic procedure do not smoke or consume alcohol during the recovery period. Only when your plastic surgeon agrees it is safe to go back to your full range of activities then you may be able to do so moderately.
Avid smokers and drinkers are advised to kick these habits as early as two weeks prior to rhinoplasty to help ensure a healthy recovery. A report from the Medical College of Wisconsin revealed that smokers who attempted smoking 24 hours before surgery caused insufficient supply of blood that was 20 times more likely to occur compared to non-smokers. In general, smoking reduces blood circulation by constricting the blood vessels, and the lack of oxygen causes interference in the recovery process which may last up to four weeks.

Follow the Advice from Your Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Surgeon

Just as every nose is unique, every patient’s recovery period is unique. If you are likely to encounter issues along your recovery period then consult with your rhinoplasty surgeon ahead of time to evaluate your recovery period. Count on a facial plastic surgeon Beverly Hills patients trust the most. As long as you follow your plastic surgeon’s advice your new nose will adjust and heal beautifully. Contact our rhinoplasty specialist’s office at (310) 858-6749.

1 comment:

  1. Rhinoplasty is term derived from the Greek word rhinos which means nose and plassein meaning to shape. Thus, in its simplest form, rhinoplasty means to shape the nose. It is a surgical intervention which is performed for either improving appearance or normalizing functions of the nose.

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