Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Best Time to Consider Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, in Beverly Hills is believed to be the most skill-intensive procedure in facial plastic surgery. The functional, structural and individual alterations that must be made for a successful procedure may be rather difficult to achieve, even the most experienced plastic surgeons can produce unsatisfactory results. Even though patients may feel discouraged following their procedure, Dr. William J. Binder is experienced in performing revision rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction. He can treat modified noses and correct functional or aesthetic flaws that were not achieved in the previous procedure.

Many patients are unaware of the best time to undergo a revision, as long as the nose has fully healed and dissatisfaction still lingers then revision rhinoplasty may be helpful at about a year after the initial surgery.

Unexpected Results

While rhinoplasty is able to last a lifetime, some patients will need a revision rhinoplasty at one point in their lifetime. One common issue that patients express after initial rhinoplasty is that the results did not meet their expectations. In most cases it is not the fault of the surgeon, but dated surgical practices and poor cosmetic treatment can occur. In other instances, the patient left out a few details about their aesthetic goals that were not shared with the doctor during consultation. For results where the doctor and patient expectations do not fully align, a revision rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction may be required.

Healing Complications

Swelling, discoloration, and pain may have been more than expected from the details discussed during consultation. It normally takes a full year for nasal swelling and scar tissue to reduce, but when symptoms such as swelling and discoloration persist after the suggested healing process then infections may have occurred. Even instances such as trauma to the nose during healing can create a flawed recovery period where the nose needs additional attention. Revision rhinoplasty can treat such issues of excessive scar tissue or collapsed septum that interferes with normal breathing.

Lack of Aesthetic Enhancement

Most patients who seek revision rhinoplasty had a goal about how their results were supposed to appear and were not as successful as they wished for. They may have expressed their vision as specific as possible, but some patients may feel differently about their final results. Revision rhinoplasty can be done to change the appearance of the nose a second time and Dr. Binder will take into consideration your need for satisfaction.

Generally, statistics show about 10-20 percent of patients will undergo revision rhinoplasty to improve the appearance or address breathing issues after primary rhinoplasty. A report published in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has shown that patients in the past undergo secondary rhinoplasty due to new or uncorrected deformities. However, researchers found these patients to be too demanding in regards to perfection and did not have realistic goals and expectations – as every patient should expect to have an open mind about natural results.   

When you are ready to consider revision rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction to correct deformities, scar tissue, and reshape the nose to its rightful shape, then count on Dr. Binder to address your issues. Be sure to spend a little extra time in preparation and he will do his best to give you the results that last a lifetime.