Friday, April 4, 2014

Eliminate Two in One: Botox Treatments for Wrinkles & Migraines

We all come to that point in our lives where the little things like wrinkles and fine lines dampen our mood. The skin around our eyes begins to sag, wrinkles on your forehead are becoming deeper and your skin in general is starting to lose its vibrancy. Above all this, you realize that your headaches and migraines are more frequent and painful than usual. Fortunately, the only option to treat both these conditions together is to give yourself facial rejuvenation with Botox.
Botox is a medication injected into specific facial muscles to reduce and eliminate the sight of wrinkles and fine lines for more vibrant facial skin. Its purpose is to temporarily freeze the treated facial nerves and muscles to allow the skin’s surface to soften.

How Does Botox Treat Migraines?

Botox for migraines consists of a series of injections in the frontal, temporal and glabellar regions in a patient’s forehead. In certain instances, injections are made to the back of the neck. Botox works for migraines by releasing acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter released from nerve endings that cause muscles to contract. It is still unknown how the treatment suppresses pain, but due to muscle relaxation it is known to keep pain pathways down for three months or longer.

What Does Botox Do for My Wrinkles?

Many patients desire smooth and youthful skin while treating their chronic migraines, and fortunately their facial flaws are addressed when Dr. Binder approves of injecting Botox for wrinkles. Treatment usually lasts about 15 minutes as your surgeon selects the targeted areas of rejuvenation. The more expressive a patient is with their face, is the more dynamic facial wrinkles become. Botox injected in these areas are able to temporarily freeze the nerves and weaken the muscles under the skin, which makes the treated areas relaxed and eliminates the deep expression wrinkles in the end. Effects from Botox for wrinkles are long-lasting, as most patients experience three to six months of wrinkle-free skin.
Most migraine sufferers are between the age of 35 and 55 in the United States, which is the prime time where wrinkles become more noticeable. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, about 14 million people experience headaches on a daily basis, with about 36 million total experiencing migraines at least once a month. The best news is that Botox is approved by the FDA to treat migraine pain and help people gain smooth facial skin.
If you want to learn more about what Botox can do for you, call Dr. Binder in Beverly Hills to schedule a consultation to treat migraines and wrinkles all in one treatment.  

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