Friday, June 19, 2015

Dr. Binder’s Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills: Top 5 Recovery Tips

Top 5 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Should Know

After receiving rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, we know that you can’t wait to show off your new and improved nose. However, you might need to dial the excitement down a notch for a hot second. If you would like your recovery to have smooth sailing, pay attention to these five tips.

Follow All Aftercare Rhinoplasty Instructions

You might have been rebellious as a teenager, but this time, try to curb those impulses. Your doctor knows what’s best for you and your health. Listen for your own good.

Don’t Be Too Happy

In other words, don’t laugh too heartily, smile too broadly, or jump around vigorously. Save it for when your nose is ready for it. In the meantime, think sad thoughts.

Don’t Go to the Beach Just Yet

You should keep your new nose out of the sunshine and out of the water. Chlorine only spells trouble. Also, sunglasses are a no-no. You shouldn’t be resting anything on your nose for at least six weeks.

Watch What Goes Into Your Mouth

You want to avoid any meal that requires a laborious amount of chewing like bubble gum or steak patties. After eating, be careful how you brush. You don’t want to shake that upper lip too much. Also, lay off the cigarettes for the duration of your recovery period.

Don’t Touch Your Nose

Not even for scratching or blowing it. Pretend your nose is radioactive, and everything should be at a three-foot radius from it. This applies to clothing as well, so opt for garments you can button up or slip into without having to pull over your head.

Book Your Consultation for Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

All these rules might sound like a hassle but trust us. It’s worth it in the long run. You’ll be glad you went to Dr. Binder for rhinoplasty at his facial plastic surgery office of Beverly Hills. If you have any further questions, you can find us at our clinic or contact us through our online form.

1 comment:

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