Thursday, January 19, 2017

Reconstructive Surgery for Extreme Physical Damage | Dr. Binder

Surgical Reconstruction for Extreme Physical Damage

When many people hear the words “plastic surgery” they immediately think of breast augmentations, liposuction, and age-defying Botox injections. Of course, there are many other procedures in the realm of plastic surgery than the purely cosmetic. In many cases, plastic surgery is performed for reconstructive or reparative purposes, rather than cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. Following physical trauma that leaves lasting damage, certain cosmetic surgery can restore not just the physical appearance of damaged tissue, but also physical function.

Why Might Someone Need or Want Reconstructive Surgery? 

Following an accident or other injury that results in physical trauma, once a patient’s overall health has become stable again, thoughts begin to turn to repairing the damage, particularly in the case of severe or disfiguring facial trauma. Studies have shown that patients with uncorrected facial trauma have a higher incidence rate of body-image issues, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Types of Reconstructive Surgery 

This type of surgery takes many forms, and the number of techniques and procedures is growing every day. Facial reconstruction in particular is a rapidly growing field, and now includes techniques that would have been impossible even just a decade ago.
Facial reconstructive procedures can include:
     Scar Removal or Revision
     Skin Cancer Removal
     Mole Removal
     Facial Fillers
     Revision Rhinoplasty
     Burn and skin graft revision
     Other Skin Resurfacing

Reconstruction of the Skin

Skin treatments typically take the form of chemical peels or laser treatment to lessen the raised appearance of scars, or to eliminate excessively darkened or lightened pigmentation following a burn or skin graft. These same procedures can also be used to reverse the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that comes as a result of passing time.

Laser treatments, particularly C02 laser treatment, can also be used to “sand away” a raised or hypertrophic scar in order to bring it in line with the rest of the skin on the face, thereby making it far less noticeable and obtrusive. The same can also be done with dermabrasion, and often the two techniques are used in conjunction with chemical peels and other deeper reconstructive options to achieve the very best result.

Skin Treatments Beneath the Skin 

For deeper damage that causes the skin to be raised or lowered, particularly following trauma such as a burn, there are more intensive options that can aid in scar removal. This typically takes the form of collagen or other fillers, but it can also include tissue expanders that help to bring the skin together to promote smoother, more aesthetic healing. This procedure is a bit more involved than other simple skin treatments, but it can also be used in combination with Z-plasty to help bring severe scars more in line with the natural lines of the face in order to more effectively blend them into the surrounding skin

What Reconstructive Surgery Can’t Do

Despite the advances in modern cosmetic surgery, there are some things it just can’t do. For one, deep burns are particularly problematic to reconstruct, as there is often very little tissue left to work with. There is likely to always be some measure of visible damage following a severe burn. However, even the most severe scarring can be lessened with the proper techniques. By combining several different types of reconstructive procedures to achieve a customized solution, severe scarring can be improved and the physical and emotional after-effects of trauma can be lessened.

Why Choosing the Right Surgeon Matters

The most important part of any surgery is choosing the right surgeon. The very best reconstructive surgeons are the ones that specialize in particular areas of care, so be sure to find one that is specifically focused and well versed in facial reconstruction, before choosing to undergo such delicate procedures. Facial scarring can easily be made much worse with improper or poorly performed scar removal procedures, making it especially important that you choose a reliable physician with an excellent track record.

Dr. William J. Binder is one of the world’s leading facial reconstructive experts, and has a long history of innovation and creative application of advanced reconstructive procedures. He is based out of Los Angeles, but due to his expertise and experience, patients from around the country and even the world come to receive treatment from him. Dr. Binder is extensively published and is board certified by both the American Board of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. If you have questions about facial reconstruction and want a consultation with the very best, contact Dr. Binder’s office today.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dr. Binder’s Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills: Top 5 Recovery Tips

Top 5 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Should Know

After receiving rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, we know that you can’t wait to show off your new and improved nose. However, you might need to dial the excitement down a notch for a hot second. If you would like your recovery to have smooth sailing, pay attention to these five tips.

Follow All Aftercare Rhinoplasty Instructions

You might have been rebellious as a teenager, but this time, try to curb those impulses. Your doctor knows what’s best for you and your health. Listen for your own good.

Don’t Be Too Happy

In other words, don’t laugh too heartily, smile too broadly, or jump around vigorously. Save it for when your nose is ready for it. In the meantime, think sad thoughts.

Don’t Go to the Beach Just Yet

You should keep your new nose out of the sunshine and out of the water. Chlorine only spells trouble. Also, sunglasses are a no-no. You shouldn’t be resting anything on your nose for at least six weeks.

Watch What Goes Into Your Mouth

You want to avoid any meal that requires a laborious amount of chewing like bubble gum or steak patties. After eating, be careful how you brush. You don’t want to shake that upper lip too much. Also, lay off the cigarettes for the duration of your recovery period.

Don’t Touch Your Nose

Not even for scratching or blowing it. Pretend your nose is radioactive, and everything should be at a three-foot radius from it. This applies to clothing as well, so opt for garments you can button up or slip into without having to pull over your head.

Book Your Consultation for Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

All these rules might sound like a hassle but trust us. It’s worth it in the long run. You’ll be glad you went to Dr. Binder for rhinoplasty at his facial plastic surgery office of Beverly Hills. If you have any further questions, you can find us at our clinic or contact us through our online form.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Top Three Corrections Made by Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty doesn't always go as planned. There are some common revision rhinoplasty techniques that are done in order to get the best look possible on the nose for the patient.
Many of the revisions are due to a new development found on the nose whether it was deformed or crooked. This could be any kind of injury that results in contact with the nose. When there is a new injury, patients usually want the nose corrected, even after there has been a previous rhinoplasty.
Another common reason to do a revision is that the desired look was not achieved during the original procedure. There could have been too much swelling for the doctor to get the desire result, or there could have been too much damage to the cartilage. If the doctor sees that a revision might be necessary, he will usually discuss it with the patient so that the patient knows that another surgery might be required.
There are some patients who want a perfect look after a rhinoplasty. This look might not be achieved with one surgery. It might take two or three trips to the operating room to get the tip of the nose just right for the patient or to remove any bumps on the sides of the nose. Only then will a plastic surgeon be able to ensure that the patient’s cosmetic goals met.
If you think your nose is entitled to a revision, then contact our facial and reconstructive surgeon’s office if you want to learn more about your revision options.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Three Reasons Why Rhinoplasty Can Benefit You

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that involves altering a person's most prominent facial feature - the nose. Not surprisingly, it ranks among one of the top five requested surgical procedures in the United States. There are three key reasons why you can benefit from this type of facial plastic surgery:

Eliminate breathing problems. The structure of a person's nose and nasal passages often creates a breathing problem, ranging anywhere from mild discomfort to severe difficulty in breathing air. Individuals who suffer from a deviated septum that negatively impacts their ability to breathe easily are among the group that can most benefit from undergoing rhinoplasty to improve their ability to breathe.

Improved sleep. Breathing problems often are associated with an inability to get a good night's sleep. Sleep apnea causes the airways to become blocked or stuffed up, causing restless sleep patterns. Rhinoplasty can successfully redesign your nasal passages, opening them up completely so that sleep apnea and other sleep issues are no longer a health issue.

Improved self-confidence. An individual who consistently feels self-conscious about the size and shape of their nose usually suffers from low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Scheduling a consultation for rhinoplasty with Dr. Binder is the best way to determine whether you need to reconstruct your nose so that it becomes a pleasing facial feature rather than a source of shame or ridicule. As a board certified plastic surgeon and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Binder has the experience and skills necessary to help you get the most benefits from nose reshaping.

To learn more about your options contact us online or call us at our rhinoplasty Beverly Hills facility at (310) 858-6749.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Natural Rhinoplasty Results

Many people look in the mirror and wish they could invest in rhinoplasty Beverly Hills. Their biggest concern is whether a nose job could look natural. A nose, or rhinoplasty procedure, is typically thought of as a surgical procedure that reduces the size and shape of a person’s nose. Unfortunately, many surgeons use a one-size-fits-all approach to rhinoplasty procedures. This can create results that do not look natural and simply do not work well with the patient’s face.  Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgeons are able to modify the procedure so that the results are more natural. 

In order to avoid getting a rhinoplasty surgery that results in a “fake” or “done” look, it is important to find a rhinoplasty surgeon that has extensive experience to make a plan for the procedure that works best for you. Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgeons can use various methods to create natural results. 

The “structure” technique was pioneered by Dr. Binder to create a functional and natural nose. With the use of procedures like the structure rhinoplasty, patients can get results that are more individualized and fitting to their face.

In structure rhinoplasty procedures, the rhinoplasty surgeon works from within the nose and takes into account methods that will improve breathing rather than hinder it as seen in typical nose job surgeries. The rhinoplasty surgeon works on reshaping the nose and maintaining the integrity of its structure. In the common practices, surgeons take away from the structure to reduce size and minimize shape but this can cause other functionality issues. 

Medscape reported that the structure rhinoplasty procedure is very similar to the traditional open nose job procedure. The main difference is the number of incisions. In a closed nose job, the surgeon does not cut the skin between the nostrils which can be great for patients who want minimal scarring and a natural looking nose job. 

A Beverly Hills rhinoplasty can offer more natural results by combining modern techniques and maintaining the natural structure of the nose. It is a good idea to review post-rhinoplasty pictures from surgeons before scheduling a consultation. Many rhinoplasty surgeons all offer revision rhinoplasty where patients can get improved rhinoplasty results. The structure procedure is a modern approach to the standard nose job. The results can improve breathing as well as bringing harmony to the face. 

For more information on a Beverly Hills nose surgery, it is best to contact anexperienced rhinoplasty surgeon with a history of creating excellent, natural results from rhinoplasty.

Friday, August 29, 2014

What to Avoid After a Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Surgery

There are plenty of things to be concerned with as the end of summer comes to a close. You may be wondering about which top to match with your mood or what your face will look like on the first day back to school or work, but there is also another thing to worry about after rhinoplasty surgery – a healthy post-operative recovery plan. Taking care of your nose after rhinoplasty is definitely a critical task for every patient, but not everyone understands the high rate of mistakes they can make that can affect their results. While some habits and activities may continue be allowed, we will review some of the things to avoid during your rhinoplasty recovery.
Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills is a commonly requested cosmetic procedure that reshapes the most significant features in a patient’s nose to attain facial harmony and balance. For most of our cases we perform the surgery by making a small incision inside the nose to restructure and strengthen the cartilage framework. Alterations can include eliminating bumps and irregularities on the bridge, narrowing a wide bridge, reducing the size of the tip and changing the size or position of the nostrils. As you can see this is a very complex procedure that may require a brief or lengthy resting period. Because of this procedure, it is recommended to avoid a number of physical activities, unless instructed otherwise from your facial plastic surgeon.

Top Four Things to Avoid After Rhinoplasty

When a patient decides that rhinoplasty is the best solution to achieve their aesthetic needs it is important to follow a plastic surgeon’s instructions to ensure that their new nose recovers without compromising the nasal tissues. As the nasal bones take a minimum of six weeks to heal, it is important to avoid vigorous activities and take extra precaution after nose surgery.

Activities to Avoid After Rhinoplasty:

  • Strenuous Exercise – Exercising too soon can impair the body’s ability to heal and impact the way the nose settles. Lifting heavy objects or going to the gym should be avoided for at least two weeks.
  • Sniffing or Blowing the Nose – Blowing or sniffing can cause the nose to bleed and hinder the recovery process after rhinoplasty. It is important to try to breathe through the mouth during your recovery period. Sneezing with your mouth open will relieve pressure to your nose compared to keeping your mouth closed.
  • Direct Sunlight – While this is not a rigorous activity for anyone, being out in the ultraviolet light may cause permanent skin pigmentation as the nasal tissues are vulnerable to sun damage.
  • Smoking and Drinking – As it is recommended after any cosmetic procedure do not smoke or consume alcohol during the recovery period. Only when your plastic surgeon agrees it is safe to go back to your full range of activities then you may be able to do so moderately.
Avid smokers and drinkers are advised to kick these habits as early as two weeks prior to rhinoplasty to help ensure a healthy recovery. A report from the Medical College of Wisconsin revealed that smokers who attempted smoking 24 hours before surgery caused insufficient supply of blood that was 20 times more likely to occur compared to non-smokers. In general, smoking reduces blood circulation by constricting the blood vessels, and the lack of oxygen causes interference in the recovery process which may last up to four weeks.

Follow the Advice from Your Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Surgeon

Just as every nose is unique, every patient’s recovery period is unique. If you are likely to encounter issues along your recovery period then consult with your rhinoplasty surgeon ahead of time to evaluate your recovery period. Count on a facial plastic surgeon Beverly Hills patients trust the most. As long as you follow your plastic surgeon’s advice your new nose will adjust and heal beautifully. Contact our rhinoplasty specialist’s office at (310) 858-6749.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Understanding the Importance of Nasal Packing After Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills

It is very common for rhinoplasty surgery patients to feel skeptical about the aftermath of a nose job. Obviously, the way a person heals following any cosmetic procedure is critical, but every facial plastic surgeon will provide the best protection plan to stop nasal bleeding. The most common method of accomplishing this is through nasal packing, a technique used to reduce bleeding by inserting heavy duty gauze in the nasal chambers. When you are in the hands of an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon Beverly Hills has to offer you will be more likely to endure minimal pain and discomfort following your procedure.
Rhinoplasty, most commonly known as a nose job, is an art form plastic surgery that involves reshaping the structural design of the nose. Specific features addressed may include, nose size, width, projection, shape of the nasal tip, nasal asymmetry and oversized nostrils.

Typically, rhinoplasty Beverly Hills is referred to as an aesthetic surgery but many patients are also treated for the functional design that has been obstructing nasal breathing through deviated nasal septum, enlarged turbinates or a collapse of nasal cartilage. Fortunately, advances in medical technology make it possible to address both functional and aesthetic features all in one procedure. Why does nasal packing have a place in rhinoplasty? For one, nasal packing lowers the risk of post-operational bleeding adhesions and holds adjusted bones and cartilage in place.

Does Every Patient Need Nasal Packing?

In many rhinoplasty operations, facial plastic surgeons will pack the inside of the nose with various cloth and gauze until the patient’s follow-up procedure. In most of our rhinoplasty procedures, Beverly Hills patients may not require nasal packing due to our gentle and meticulous strategy during and after the operation. Our precise incisions and sutures create less trauma to the site, so there is minimal postoperative bleeding and will not always present a need for nasal packing. In the very rare instances, a patient will be fitted with nasal gauze to be worn for less than a week. However, there is no need to panic if we require you to wear nasal packing.
A recent study shows that nasal packing is not as complicated or severe as the public draws it out to be. As per the study published in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Medical Association, no heart or lung complications were discovered in over 400 patients utilizing nasal packing after nose surgery.

Meet the Best Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Surgeon

Nasal packing allows for control of unusual bleeding following surgery, if it happens to occur. Your facial plastic surgeon will instruct his patients in advance if there is an absolute need for packing and medication to ease discomfort after rhinoplasty. This technique helps to support the new nasal structure as it heals, but may not always be required. If you are searching for a board certified plastic surgeon to perform nose surgery, then contact our facial plastic surgery center at (310) 858-6749.