It is very common for rhinoplasty surgery patients to feel skeptical about the aftermath of a nose job. Obviously, the way a person heals following any cosmetic procedure is critical, but every facial plastic surgeon will provide the best protection plan to stop nasal bleeding. The most common method of accomplishing this is through nasal packing, a technique used to reduce bleeding by inserting heavy duty gauze in the nasal chambers. When you are in the hands of an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon Beverly Hills has to offer you will be more likely to endure minimal pain and discomfort following your procedure.
Rhinoplasty, most commonly known as a nose job, is an art form plastic surgery that involves reshaping the structural design of the nose. Specific features addressed may include, nose size, width, projection, shape of the nasal tip, nasal asymmetry and oversized nostrils.
Typically, rhinoplasty Beverly Hills is referred to as an aesthetic surgery but many patients are also treated for the functional design that has been obstructing nasal breathing through deviated nasal septum, enlarged turbinates or a collapse of nasal cartilage. Fortunately, advances in medical technology make it possible to address both functional and aesthetic features all in one procedure. Why does nasal packing have a place in rhinoplasty? For one, nasal packing lowers the risk of post-operational bleeding adhesions and holds adjusted bones and cartilage in place.
Does Every Patient Need Nasal Packing?
In many rhinoplasty operations, facial plastic surgeons will pack the inside of the nose with various cloth and gauze until the patient’s follow-up procedure. In most of our rhinoplasty procedures, Beverly Hills patients may not require nasal packing due to our gentle and meticulous strategy during and after the operation. Our precise incisions and sutures create less trauma to the site, so there is minimal postoperative bleeding and will not always present a need for nasal packing. In the very rare instances, a patient will be fitted with nasal gauze to be worn for less than a week. However, there is no need to panic if we require you to wear nasal packing.
A recent study shows that nasal packing is not as complicated or severe as the public draws it out to be. As per the study published in JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Medical Association, no heart or lung complications were discovered in over 400 patients utilizing nasal packing after nose surgery.